Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Portfolio Semester 5 Facility Management (QSB 2443)

Facility Management (QSB 2443)

Lecturer: Sr Andrew Cheong Chee Yuen

Learning Outcome:

Through the study of this subject,

1) I am able to identify the issues in a business operation locally and internationally

2) I am able to analyse the facility management of a business operation

1) I am able to explain the facility management of M&E, space and logistic designs 

2) I am able to apply valve adding,green and flexibility in facility management

1) I am able to develop frameworks and strategies to improve the facility management of new or existing buildings

2) I am able to generate a comprehensive report and case study in a team


This assignment was to be completed in a group of 3 students and will contribute 100% of the overall marks as this is an elective subject. The assignment is broken down into 3 parts. Firstly is is "Building and their facilities (50%)" where there is a list of 10 different types of buildings that we had to visit to take pictures of the buildings and its facilities. 

The second part is a case study (20%) on swimming pool system where we had to do a brief report on the operation system, piping design and its relevant mechanical components. Lastly we had to answer 3 tutorial questions (30%) which tests us on our knowledge of faciltiy managment.

Site visit photos:

Portfolio Semester 5 Building Economic (QSB 3214)

Building Economics (QSB 3214)

Lecturer:  Mr Ho June Khai 
                  Miss Dianne Kok Hui Wen

This subject will provide an overview of the Quantity Surveyor’s role during the pre-tender stage of a project development. Students are introduced to practical situations of the various methods of controlling the cost of buildings at the design stage. Students will also be introduced to the relationship between building morphology, design variables and life cycle costing of a building. Lastly, students are also given the opportunity to learn and apply information technology in the cost planning. 


1. To develop students awareness of the nature, content and significance of cost control, cost planning and understanding of the project reams roles in fulfilling client needs.

2. To develop students awareness of the provisions of the effect that design variables have in obtaining an economical design and to appreciate the role of a Quantity Surveyor in pre and post contract stages.

Learning Outcome:

Through the study of this subject,

1) I am able to identify the role and responsibilities of Quantity Surveyors in the overall development process.

2) I am able to match the relationship between cost and design to a value outcome.

3) I am able to explain various methods of pre-tender estimating. 

4) I am able to outline the importance of cost studies to enhance the role of Quantity Surveyor in the development process

5) I am able to implement Elemental Cost Analysis to estimate building cost. 

6) I am able to produce an estimate at pre-tender stage to proposed project and a cost plan based on historical data in group or independently. 


The mid term test contributes to 20% of the overall marks. This test consisted mainly of subjective questions as well as practical problem questions (where recall, analysis,valuation and application of concepts learnt are necessary to answer the questions competently).


This assignment was to be completed in a group of 6 students and will contribute 30% of the overall marks. The objective of this assignment is to help students develop a deeper appreciation of the concepts learnt in the module by applying them in the problems given in the assignment. 

Group assignment was 60% and students had to update cost plans, prepare updated preliminary estimates, provide comments on pricing and also advice the client on matters pertaining to costs.

Individual assignment was 40% and students had to give a recommendation to the client on which tenderer should be awarded the job. Students also had to advice the client on whether his request to the tenderer is reasonable or not.

Monday, 2 December 2013

Portfolio Semester 5 Professional Practice 2 (QSB 3614)

Professional Practice 2 (QSB 9614)

Lecturer: Sr Eddie Lim Sek Cheon

This subject provides an overview of professional and contractual responsibilities of a quantity surveyor in the consultancy set up from the inception stage to the final account. It  focuses on the importance of understanding  the organization and contract administration roles of a quantity surveyor and the legal and contractual procedures in relation to building procurement


1. To ensure students have sufficient knowledge and understanding of the administration of construction contracts and the application of particular contract clauses relating to the roles and responsibilities of the parties to the contract especially the Quantity Surveyor.

2. To develop students awareness of the provisions of the Standard Contract forms related to valuation and certificates, instructions and variations, dayworks and final accounts, extension of time and loss and expense.

3. To teach students how to interpret sub-contracts documents relating to roles and responsibility of the main contractor and sub-contractors including the limits and constraint of such procedures

Learning Outcomes:

1. I am able to clearly define the roles and responsibilities of the various parties involved in construction contracts in relation to particular clauses in the contract.

2. I can understand and give a good explanation on the various construction contracts, its limitations and constraints and define issues in interpreting the contract clauses of construction contract

3. I have the knowledge to describe team dynamics, power of teams and teamwork in construction contracts.


The seminar contributes to 15% of the overall marks. Groups of 2 students are required to give presentation of the weeks lecture in their respective tutorial classes followed by a Q & A session. This seminar tested the students understanding of their given topic, ability to work as a team as well as fine tuning the students presentation skills.


The mid term test contributes to 20% of the overall marks. This test was conducted on week 6 before the semester break. In this test students are required to complete all the questions given. This test was conducted to test the students understanding of the subject. It consisted of the topics Extension of Time, claims and set off.


The assignment contributes to 15% of the overall marks. Students are required to form groups of 6 people where the students will form a group to act as consultants assessing a contractor’s application for final account. The group will assess the applications based on the conditions of contract. This assignment tests the students understanding and application of what we have learnt based on real life scenarios.

Certificate of practical completion (CPC)

Certificate of making good defects (CMGD)                           Certificate of Extension of Time 

Portfolio Semester 5 Measurement 5 (QSB 3115)

Measurement 5 (QSB 3115)

Lecturer: Mr Chee Wai Meng 
                  Mr Ramar Subramaniam


1) Allows students to study and explore the importance of preparation of Tender Document and the importance of the ability to work effectively with group mates to complete the assignments.

2) Provides students a chance to investigate and explore subject knowledge on the principles of measurement of various  elements.

3) Enable students to develop the skill of making decision and management skills related to Quantity Surveying profession in the preparation of Bills of Quantities.

Learning Outcome:

Through the study of this subject,

1) I am able to identify the items measurable for cold water and sanitary plumbing, electrical installation and M&E works and civil engineering works.

2) I am able to differentiate and explain the difference in writing up descriptions in accordance to design changes of cold water and sanitary plumbing, electrical installation and M&E works and civil engineering works.

3) I am able to evaluate the relationship between specifications, drawings and Bill of Quantities in Tender Documents for cold water and sanitary plumbing, electrical installation and M&E works and civil engineering works.

4) I am able to prepare the measurement for cold water sanitary plumbing, electrical installation and M&E works and civil engineering works in accordance to Standard Method of Measurement (SMM2) and Malaysian Civil Engineering Standard Method of Measurement (MYCESMM).

5) I am able to understand and carry out the preparation of Bills of Quantities for cold water and sanitary plumbing, electrical installation and M&E works and civil engineering works.


The mid term test contributes to 25% of the overall marks. This test required the students to complete all the questions given and fill in all the answers in the taking off sheet, dimension paper and Bills of Quantities. It tested students on their knowledge and understanding of electrical services


This assignment was to be completed in a group of 5 students and will contribute 25% of the overall marks. The objective of this assignment was to test the students knowledge on site clearance and earthworks. Students were challenged on their understanding of applying the Simpson rule for cut and fill  earthworks. Besides doing taking off, it also tests the skill of students to apply MYCESMM clauses for preparing Bills of Quantity. 

                                  Simpsons Rule

                                Cut and fill of earthworks

Portfolio Semester 5 Financial Management (QSB 3413)

Financial Management (QSB 3413)

Lecturer: Sr Lee Wing Tey 
                  Mr Chang Jau Ho


1) To help students understand the background, principles and practices and information systems of financial management in relation to construction industry.

2) To allow students to appraise capital investment proposals in the construction industry.

3) To aid in understanding the management of construction organization in terms of managing the business environment, the firm and the staff.

Learning Outcome:

After taking this subject,

1) I am able to identify the appropriateness of financial management systems for different construction projects and implement the accountancy principles and practices in examining the construction company’s finances and accounts.

2) I am able to define the appropriate cost control structure and technology in ensuring the quality management and total quality management (TQM) of the entire construction performance. 

3) I am able to a
pply capital investment techniques in analyzing the cost & benefit for particular construction projects.

4) I am able to manipulate the sound knowledge of financial management in managing the financial aspects of the particular construction project.

5) I am able to outline the business of construction project through proper strategic management theory and techniques.

6) I am able to organize the staff’s tasks, organization and leadership to enhance motivation and performance towards career progression.

 Overall, the learning benefits that I gained out of this subject were immense as I was not exposed to the accounting and finance  area of study before and it was made more interesting by two excellent lecturers.

Module Schedule:

Topic 1: Introduction to Financial Management (Part 1)

Topic 1: Introduction to Financial Management (Part 2)

Topic 2: Company Finance & Accounts

Topic 3: Financial Information Systems (Part 1)

Topic 3: Financial Information Systems (Part 2)

Topic 4: Capital Investments (Part 1)

Topic 4: Capital Investments (Part 2)

Topic 5: Introduction to Organizational Management (Part 1)

Topic 5: Introduction to Organizational Management (Part 2)

Topic 6: Corporate Analysis – Construction (Part 1)

Topic 6: Corporate Analysis – Construction (Part 2)

Topic 7: Firm Management

Topic 8: Financial Investment Appraisal (Part 1)

Topic 8: Financial Investment Appraisal (Part 2)

Group Assignment:

1) To execute analysis on financial management of company in order to make forecast in the future.
2) To understand the financial management and operation of a company.

Learning Outcome:
Through this assignment,
1) I am able to learn the way to forecast the income statement in the future.
2) I am able to learn the principle of financial management.
3) I am able to learn the way to interpret the data of financial operation in a company.


Title:  5 –year Business Plan for the company of your choice.

1) Introduction with the executive summary of company including company milestone.
2) Brief write out on the company financial and marketing objective.
3) Brief write out on the company core business.
4) Overview on business operation.
5) Conclusion with recommendation.
6) Financial Highlight for 5 years – taken latest 2 (two) years from annual report and forecasting
    for the following 3 year based on the company historical records.
7) Format of submission : One hard copy and one soft copy for presentation 

The company that my group did our project on was AirAsia Berhad.

And this is the financial forecast done by AirAsia which we based our forecast on.

Mid-Term Test

     The mid-term test consists of 20% which held on week 8.

    1) To learn the knowledge of financial management.
    2) To enable us to understand and investigate the topic taught by lecturer.

   Learning Outcomes:
   1) I will deeply understand the topic that had been taught by lecturer.
   2) will master the topic that had been taught by lecturer.
   3) will understand the progress of the syllabus.