Wednesday, 2 July 2014

Portfolio Semester 6 Strategic Management (MGT 60703)

Strategic Management (MGT 60703)

Lecturer: Mr. Leong Boon Tik

The subject provides an understanding of the principles of construction laws and its applications. By understanding the basic principle of construction law, the importance of adhering to the specific procedures and notices are emphasized. The next phase is to develop an in-depth knowledge on the application of the law and the remedies available to the parties. Subsequently, students will be able to adopt a systematic approach to analyze disputes and the respective liabilities. This subject focuses on enhancing the students’ knowledge on matters involving contractual claims and its assessment.


Study many real business situations 
• Practice the core planning tools 

• Struggle with figuring out what to do 

• Be prepared to participate in planning for your 
own firms 

• Be prepared to do the work to earn above 
average returns

About the Module:

Part 1: Strategic Planning 
– Strategic Management in the Design and 
Construction Value System 

• Part 2: E-Business Strategies 
– E-Commerce and the Internet in Real Estate and 

Case Method: Class Discussions
  • Usually the instructor will have a structure to guide the discussion 
  • Talk about the issues and choices 
  • Discuss  with your classmates 
  • Sometimes there is a consensus 
  • Sometimes you can find out what happened, sometimes not
     What I have learnt by studying case methods is it is often messy due to the amount of information and there is often no right answer. However it is really helpful as it helps us deal with real life situations

Assignment (Individual)

The assignment contributes to 50% of the overall marks.  Student are required to write an article on how to produce a good vision and mission statement. Once this was done, we had to select a vision statement from any company and evaluate it followed by suggestions on how to improve the statement.

In Part B, students were to asses the competitive advantage of a company using the Porters 5 forces model. Next, we had to derive market segmentation for a development next to KLCC.

Porters 5 Forces

Assignment (Group)

The assignment contributes to 50% of the overall marks. Students were grouped into groups of 4. Students assumed they are are the director of an established QS consultant firm that has 50 chartered quantity surveyors. 
    In Part A, we had to define BIM and discuss how BIM can give competitive advantage to our QS company.
    In Part B we had access our companies competitive advantage in the industry and derive strategies to gain a better competitive position in the industry. 
      Part C required us to define Public Private Partnership (PPP) and Private Finance Initiative (PFI) and discuss the advantages/ diadvantages of each towards Malaysia. We would then need to advice the government on what is the what is the precautionary steps needed before award a PPP / PFI project. 


Portfolio Semester 6 Research Dissertation (QSB 4914)

Research Dissertation (QSB 4914)

Lecturer: Theong May Chuan

The module intends to introduce students to academic research and provide some in-depth understanding of the research methodology. Students are required to undertake and submit a substantial piece of independent research work which consists of both recording and analysing of data or the summary of published material on the topic supplemented by opinion gathered through interviews or questionnaires. In exceptional cases original ideas and innovative applications may be developed. Students are to negotiate a project title and specification with their supervisor. After an initial period of background work, they carry out the necessary work to complete their dissertation. The dissertation should be a demonstration of effective research combined with clear and concise presentation of between 10,000 to 12,000 words.


1.             To develop awareness of the current local and global issues in the construction industry.

2.             To explore the approaches to research.

3.             To demonstrate a systematic and orderly mind to produce a viable academic research.

Learning Outcomes:

1. I am able to  use a depth of subject knowledge and apply analytical and research skills in closely defined topic areas.

2. I have the ability to collect data and information required and analyse data collected using appropriate techniques and tools

3. I have the knowledge to develop a comprehensive research conclusion and summary

4. I am able to  adopt executive keyboarding to produce project documentation and presentations

                                                       My topic for the dissertation paper

In this module, I was required to prepare a proposal initially followed by the topic confirmation with my supervisor Mr. Simon Chee. Once the topic was approved I proceeded to do a literature review. After this phase I moved on to do my research methodology and developed a questionnaire to collect data for the purposes of this study. Lastly data collected was analyzed and concluded for this module.

Portfolio Semester 6 Cost Value Engineering (QSB 4214)

Cost Value Engineering (QSB 4214)

Lecturer: Sr Lee Wing Tey 
                  Sr Loo Seong King

The module provides the history, background, theories, concepts and principles of value engineering / value management in decision making process.  The module also introduces the idea of unnecessary cost and cost cutting exercise in the cost planning and control stage.  It is then generally covers area of implementation of value engineering and the key person involve – the facilitator.  The module concluded with a series of discussion on the problem and constraint in the implementation stage based on some significant case studies.


1.       To create an understanding in general the value process, function analysis and team dynamics in the client’s value system.

2.       To identify solutions to undertake value studies at different stage of a project. 

3.   To recommend a more collaborative effort towards the promotion and awareness of value management in Malaysian construction industry in an effort to achieve value for money invested.

Learning Outcome:

After taking this subject,

1) I am able to identify the appropriate time to carry out Value Engineering throughout different construction phases.

2) I am able to r
ecognize and recall the contribution of the value engineering /value management in the development process

3) I am able to a
pply the value management to a value outcome in the decision making process.

4) I am able to a
nalyse the cost and value implications of project scope .and generate a Job-Plan for the implementation of Value Management workshop.


Students in groups of 8 were required to prepare a case study of Value Management application in the Construction Industry .The main aim of this group assignment is to help students develop a deeper appreciation of the concepts learnt in this module by applying them in the assignment. Students were expected to explore outcome of the implication for case study in Malaysia Construction Industry both in public and private sectors. 


After few months of studying this subject, a mid term test on topics from chapter 1-6 was administered to test the students on waht they have learnt from past few months. This is to test the ability of the students in identifying, analysing and applying the principles of cost value engineering in the test.

Portfolio Semester 6 Development Economics (QSB 4223)

Development Economics (QSB 4223)

Lecturer:  Mr Ho June Khai 
                  Miss Dianne Kok Hui Wen

This subject will introduce students to the development, roles and contribution of construction industry to national economy. It is initiated with the introduction of the process in a property development and factors that influence the development process. The subject also covers various techniques of development appraisal and source of finance available. It is then concluded with the important of market research to the overall development process and its impact of research to the development.


1. To understand the basic principles of economics and its link to the real world of construction and to develop an understanding of the whole process of property development.

2. To enhance the understanding of the contribution of feasibility study in property development.

3. To understand the overall mechanism of the finance system in the construction industry

Learning Outcome:

Through the study of this subject,

1) I am able to calculate the developer’s budget (i.e. total development cost and gross development value) during the initial development process.

2) I am able to execute the Cost-benefit Analysis in the early stage of investment proposal and valuation system to help on decision making during the feasibility stage.

3) I am able to classify various source of finance available in the construction industry and to outline the requirement in a quality market research.


The mid term test contributes to 20% of the overall marks. This 2 hour test consisted mainly of subjective questions as well as practical problem questions (where recall, analysis,valuation and application of concepts learnt are necessary to answer the questions competently).


This assignment was to be completed in a group of 6 students and will contribute 30% of the overall marks.  

Group assignment was 65% and students were given a scenario where to developer wants to develop a piece of land with residential and commercial units. Students are required to  calculate the number of houses and shoplots to be built on the piece of land, investment appraisal, cash inflow, cash outflow and quaterly cash flow.

Individual assignment was 35% and students had to prepare a NPV and comment on the viability of the project based on a 'Build then Sell' concept.

                                         NPV of the project

Portfolio Semester 6 Construction Law (QSB 4414)

Construction Law (QSB 4414)

Lecturer: Sr Eddie Lim Sek Cheon

The subject provides an understanding of the principles of construction laws and its applications. By understanding the basic principle of construction law, the importance of adhering to the specific procedures and notices are emphasized. The next phase is to develop an in-depth knowledge on the application of the law and the remedies available to the parties. Subsequently, students will be able to adopt a systematic approach to analyze disputes and the respective liabilities. This subject focuses on enhancing the students’ knowledge on matters involving contractual claims and its assessment.


1. To understand the general principles on the formation of a contract and remedies in the event of breach.

2. To understand the roles and liabilities of architects, quantity surveyors and other professionals in relation to professional negligence and the use of collateral contract.

3. To appreciate the laws relating to payments, contractual claims and interpretation rules of ambiguity found in documents.

4. To understand the laws relating to land and construction industry with regards to National Land Code, Street, Drainage and Building Act, Uniform Building By-Law, Strata Title Act, etc.

5. To appreciate the principles and procedures of litigation, arbitration, adjudication and other alternative dispute resolution (ADR) stated by the Malaysian Government and Standard Form of Contract.

Learning Outcomes:

1. I am able to clearly identify, explain and distinguish the various laws related to the construction industry including land law and construction statutes by demonstrating knowledge and understanding of the principles in law, conditions of contract and the applicable statutes.

2. I have the ability to analyze, interpret and apply this knowledge on the principles of law in administration of contracts and contractual claims including providing evidence of reasoned advice in relation to contractual claims and interpretation of any discrepancies of various contract documents.

3. I have the knowledge to take appropriate methods of dispute resolution for different situations arising from construction contract.


The seminar contributes to 15% of the overall marks. My Seminar was on the topic of Building Contracts – General Principles & Formation of Contract. Groups of 2 students are required to give presentation of the weeks lecture in their respective tutorial classes followed by a Q & A session. This seminar tested the students understanding of their given topic, ability to work as a team as well as fine tuning the students presentation skills.


The mid term test contributes to 20% of the overall marks. This test was conducted on week 8 before the semester break. In this test students are required to complete all the questions given. This test was conducted to test the students understanding of the subject.


The assignment contributes to 15% of the overall marks. Students are required to form groups of 10 people where the students will form a group to act as consultants assessing a contractor’s claim for loss and expense. The group will assess the claims based on factors such as PAM Form 2006 and Contracts Act among others and thus giving their owns reasons on whether the contractors claim should be approved or not. This assignment tests the students understanding and application of what we have learnt based on  a real working life situation